Jack Granath works in a library in Kansas and writes poetry. Below is a list of poems and other writings that wound up in journals and magazines. Many of them, like their author, are changing a little as they age, but links to the versions of first publication are provided here and there. With luck their later selves will get a taste of daylight too sometime, before the general shoveling under. Weirdly, an interview>. |
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Poems | top | | |
Aberrant Weather | Talking River (Issue 25, Fall 2009) |
Accretions of Eyesight | Skylight 47 (47:17, Summer 2023) |
After the Japanese | Rattle (Issue #29, 14:1, Summer 2008) |
After the Party | Carnelian (2:2, April 2002) |
All One | Ignatian Literary Magazine (vol. 29, 2017) |
All We Need | Carnelian (3:2, April 2003) |
Allegiance to the Season | Evening Street Review (no. 38, Summer 2023) |
The Ambiguities of Healing | Measure (vol. II, 2007) |
Ambush | Tar River Poetry (50:2, Spring 2011) |
Amorous Compliment Gone Awry | Rhyme and PUNishment: Comedic Verse (Local Gems Poetry Press, 2012) | Lulu |
And Turn | Society of Classical Poets (June 5, 2022) |
Apartment Dweller Pithecanthropus | Snow Monkey (no. 17, 2005) |
Apology | Carnelian (3:4, October 2003) |
Approaching Social | Windmills (3rd ed., [2009]) |
Art for Art's Sake | The Evansville Review (vol. XXIV, 2014) |
The Art of Love | Vallum (12:2 Humour, [2015]) |
Art Opening | Mobius (18:1, Spring & Summer 2003) |
The Art-School Contrarian | Twelve Mile Review (2:2, Fall/Winter 2022) |
At Full Length | Carnelian (3:1, January 2003) |
At Home in the Storm | Border Crossing (vol. 2, Fall 2012) |
At the Doorstep | Poetry East (Nos. 62 & 63, Fall 2008) |
Ave Atque Vale | Mobius (18:1, Spring & Summer 2003) |
Avernus, Illinois | Schuylkill Valley Journal (vol. 55, Fall/Winter 2022) |
The Aviary | The Cape Rock (Fall 2002) |
The Barstool Dog | Poem (no. 98, November 2007) |
The Battered Knuckles of the Spring | Anterior Poetry Monthly (March 1996) |
Bedfellows | Weyfarers (no. 111, December 2011) |
The Blue Light | Iambs and Trochees (1:1, Spring 2002) |
The Body | Measure (5:1&2, 2010) |
Body Packing | Confrontation (109, Spring 2011) |
Broken Stoplight of the World | North American Review (292:6, November/December 2007) |
Building | Genuine Gold (vol. 4, September 2023) |
But This One Is True . . . | Truth Serum (vol. 1, True, 2017) |
Caribbean Library Love Song | Clackamas Literary Review (VIII, 2004) |
Cartoons and Such | The Formalist (13:1, 2002) |
Chalk Drawing on Rock | Iambs and Trochees (1:2, Fall/Winter 2002) |
Charm | The Same (8:2, Winter/Spring 2011) |
A Cheerily Carol | Cairn (49, 2014) |
A Chicken in Every Pot | Global City Review (no. 15, Fall 2005) |
Children's Story | Poets Against War (posted February 2003) |
Christmas Meditation | Iambs and Trochees (4:2, Fall/Winter 2005) |
Cleaned | Flint Hills Review (Issue Twelve, 2007) |
The Clock | The Raintown Review (9:1, June 2010) |
Closed Head Injury | Abstract Jam (Issue 1, December 2015) |
Cocktails | Tattoo Highway (8, 6:1, January 2004) |
College Days | The Lyric (94:2, Spring 2014) |
Colonial Art of Quito | Rhyme and PUNishment: Comedic Verse (Local Gems Poetry Press, 2012) | Lulu |
Complaint | The Raintown Review (8:1, July 2009) |
Contributor's Note (issuu p.14) | The Invisible Bear (vol. 2, 2016) |
Conversation with a Prophet | Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review (no. 39, 2013) |
Counting Her Ways | Capsule Stories (vol. 2, Summer 2019) |
The Crack | San Pedro River Review (8:1, Spring 2016) |
Crossing Over | WayWords (1:9, 2023) |
The Dark | Iambs and Trochees (1:1, Spring 2002) |
Dead Spruce | The Sandy River Review (vol. 44, 2024) |
Dear Aunt May | Coal City Review (no. 19, July 2003) |
Dear Editor | The Lyric (94:1, Winter 2014) |
Dear Publisher | Two Thirds North (2012) |
Día de los Niños Muertos | Abstract Jam (Issue 1, December 2015) |
Did the dinsosaurs know it | Trash Panda (Volume 6, Winter 2023-24) |
The Digger | Alchemy and Miracles (Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023) |
The Disappointed | San Pedro River Review (7:1, Spring 2015) |
The Doctor | San Pedro River Review (7:2, Fall 2015) |
The Doozy | Main Street Rag (17:2, Spring 2012) |
Dream of Death | The South Carolina Review (38:2, Spring 2006) |
The Drop | Wordfest Anthology 2019 (2019) |
Ducks | Nothing Divine Dies: The Poetry of Nature (Vita Brevis Press, Vol III, 2021) |
Dying Notes | Poem (No. 131, June 2024) |
Eavesdropping on the World | Blue Unicorn (XXIX:2, February 2006) |
Eco | The Briar Cliff Review (vol. 21, 2009) |
Eco-Warrior in Bougainville | The Blind Man's Rainbow (X:1, Fall 2004) |
The Economist | Dissent (Vagabond Books, 2023) |
Effects of a Rainy Doom (issuu p.13) | The Invisible Bear (vol. 2, 2016) |
El Cordonazo | Along the Shore: Poems of the Sea (Lost Tower Publications, 2017) |
Elegiacs for a Stranger | Iambs and Trochees (V:1, Spring 2006) |
The Empty Space | Poem (no. 112, November 2014) |
Enchanted by a Phrase #152 | THEMA Literary Journal (30:1, Spring 2018) |
Enthusiastic Genealogist | Measure (XII:1, 2017) |
Epigram for a Clumsy Darling | Mobius (vol. XXII, 2007) |
Esprit de l'Escalier | the raffish (Issue 1, Spring 2018) |
Everyone Loved It | The Same (10:2, Winter/Spring 2013) |
Eye to the Zodiac | Sheepshead Review (30:1, Fall 2016) |
Faith in Medicine | Chiron Review (No. 112/113, Summer/Fall 2018) |
Fallout | Plainsongs (XLIII:1, Winter 2023) |
Fate | Abstract Jam (Issue 1, December 2015) |
First Cold Day Cardinal | inScribe (Issue 05, February 2023) |
First Principle | Cairn (49, 2014) |
Florida Sprawl | The Raintown Review (8:1, July 2009) |
Flowers & Sunsets | Quiddity (3:1, Spring/Summer 2010) |
The Forecast | Thorny Locust (vol. 12, Fall/Winter 2004) |
Forgiving | Confluence (Issue 14, 2023) |
The Four of Us | The Eclectic Muse (Volume 16, Christmas 2010) |
Fragment | Iambs and Trochees (1:2, Fall/Winter 2002) |
From Where I Am | San Pedro River Review (5:1, Spring 2013) |
Funnel Cake Epiphany | Schuylkill Valley Journal (vol. 57, Fall/Winter 2023) |
Future Anthropologies I | Schuylkill Valley Journal (vol. 57, Fall/Winter 2023) |
Games of Children in the Fall | Polterguests: Stories & Poems (A Main Street Rag Anthology, 2016) |
Ghost in the Way | NonBinary Review (no. 15, We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson, 2017) |
Glorious | Inscape (vol. 44, 2019) |
The Go Rub Yourself Sonnets | Night Picnic (7:1, February 2024) |
The Golden Year or Two | Toylit (January 1, 2011) |
Grounds | Pembroke Magazine (no. 52, 2020) |
Growing Old Time | The Rockford Review (XXXIII:1, Winter/Spring 2014) |
Head Blow Blues | Carnelian (4:4, October 2004) |
The Hornet Moon | Plainsongs (XLI:2, Summer 2021) |
Housework | Mad Poets Review (vol. 22, 2008) |
How Do You Say. . . | Hiram Poetry Review (no. 64, Spring 2003) |
I-70 West | Silkworm (vol. 16, 2023) |
Impossible Love | Gyroscope Review (Issue 18-2, Spring 2018) |
In Bantu Dreams Together | Veil: Journal of Darker Musings (No. 16, October 2018) |
The Interference Factor | Feral (Issue 17, September 2023) |
Intimate Immortalities | The Raintown Review (10:1, September 2011) |
It Was Summer | Alaska Quarterly Review (18:1&2, Spring & Summer 2000) |
Jazz Tease | Cairn (47, 2012) |
The Job Interview | The New York Quarterly (No. 68.3, Winter 2022) |
Junk | Schuylkill Valley Journal (vol. 55, Fall/Winter 2022) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (That slap of insight) |
The Aurorean (XVI:1, Spring/Summer 2011) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (Her body sculpted) (She laughs, the purse strap) |
High Coup Journal (July 2011) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (A kind of tollbooth) (Rainy day robins) |
folk ku (Issue 3, 2024) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (Red and gold and brown) |
Mid-America Poetry Review (1:2, Autumn 2000) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (Engaged in battle) |
Modern Haiku (36:2, Summer 2005) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (The sun, warm at last) |
Presence (no. 54, February 2016) |
The Kindergarten Legacy (Hard freeze in April [as April freeze]) |
To Live Here: A Haiku Anthology (Wee Sparrow Press, 2023) |
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles (City of millions) |
Imagination & Place: Cartography (Imagination & Place Press, 2013) |
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles (Sudden spiderwebs) |
Off the Coast (XXII:3, Summer 2016) |
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles (Inauguration) |
States of the Union (Mascot Books, 2017) |
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles (Bulldozers quiet) |
Trash Panda (Volume 5, Summer 2023) |
Koan | Vallum (12:2 Humour, [2015]) |
La Llorona | Measure (8:2, 2013) |
Lapping at the Shore | Kansas City Voices (vol. 3, November 2005) Nominated for Pushcart |
Late Leaves | THEMA Literary Journal (30:3, Autumn 2018) |
Late Night with Arion | The Neovictorian/Cochlea (v:2, Fall-Winter 2001) |
The Laugher | Iambs and Trochees (V:1, Spring 2006) |
The Lesson | inScribe (Issue 05, February 2023) |
Lessons from the Khan | Willows Wept Review (Issue 27, Winter 2023) |
Letter to Randall H-- | Carnelian (5:3, July 2005) |
Library Life: The Drawback | The Same (12:1, Summer/Fall 2014) |
Light Verse | The Lyric (94:2, Spring 2014) |
Lines Written While Fixing a Bicycle | Coal City Review (no. 15, October 2000) |
Listening for the Cat | Iambs and Trochees (Web site, 2001) |
Listening to the Radio in the Dark | Vagabonds: Anthology of the Mad Ones (2016 Edition) |
The Long, Long Night | Pivot (no. 51, Winter 2000-2001) |
Look, Mom | Alchemy and Miracles (Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023) |
Lost | The G.W. Review (XXXIV:1, Fall 2012) |
Love Song with Ugly Bruises | The Raintown Review (13:2, February 2017) |
Madreselva | The Same (10:2, Winter/Spring 2013) |
Magic Disappointment (ghost against a smoke-blue sky) |
All Poems Are Ghosts (tiny wren publishing, 2023) |
Magic Disappointment (A skull) (Shadows) (These lovers) |
A&0311;then (forthcoming) |
Magic Disappointment (We live) (To hasten) (Inspired by absence) (The love of animals) |
The Charleston Anvil (9:1, Issue 16, Summer 2023) |
Magic Disappointment (Dense fog) |
Glisk and Glimmer (Sídhe Press, 2023) |
Magic Disappointment (winter window) (racoon and) (statue of a cat) |
Hummingbird (XXXII:1, 2022) |
Magic Disappointment (Lover of the breeze) |
Lighthouse (Issue 27, Spring 2024) |
Magic Disappointment (The moon-faced owl sees) (The owl) (Dying) |
Linked Verse (Issue 002, 2024) |
Magic Disappointment (alarm clock) (silence) (and office work) |
The Madrigal (forthcoming) |
Magic Disappointment (Dusk falls) (It sounded like a woman's liquid laughter) (Haunted by) |
Oracle Fine Arts Review (XXI, [2023]) |
Magic Disappointment (The sun at this hour) |
t'ART (Online Summer Edition 2024) |
Magic Disappointment (recurrent dream) |
Trash Panda (Volume 5, Summer 2023) |
Magic Disappointment (Rain) (A heavy rain) |
When It Rains It Pours Anthology (Kind of a Hurricane Press, forthcoming) |
Mastery | Folk Horror Revival: Corpse Roads (2016) |
Metaphysical Riddle #37 | Carnelian (4:4, October 2004) |
The Mirror of Dorian Gray | Metonym (forthcoming) |
The Modern Student of Paradise Lost | Measure (7:1, 2012) |
Moodstain | Iambs and Trochees (1:2, Fall/Winter 2002) |
Morning Coffee and the Times | HazMat Review (9:2, Fall 2007) |
Morning Run | Measure (X:2, 2015) |
The Movies | Carnelian (2:3, July 2002) |
Mu Nu | Curating Home: A Kansas City Poetry Anthology Woodneath Press, 2021 |
Music Is Murder | The Formalist (15:1, 2004) |
My Cat Leaps Up | Old Red Kimono (XXXIII, Spring 2004) |
The Myth of Human Nature | Cantos (forthcoming) |
Negative Space at the Wake-Up Line | Off the Coast (XVI:1, Winter 2010) |
Neologisms for Nobots | Excuse Me (forthcoming) |
New Year's Day | Cairn (46, 2011) |
Nim, the Chimpanzee | The Raintown Review (11:1, February 2013) |
Nocturne for Lottery Ticket Man | Waffle Fried (forthcoming) |
Nostalgia | The Rockford Review (Winter-Spring 2012) |
Not These Days | Free Lunch (33, Spring 2005) |
Obligatory Millennial Time Capsule Poem | Coal City Review (no. 15, October 2000) |
Occupation: Clerk | Retail Woes: Poetry from Both Sides of the Counter (Local Gems Poetry Press, 2013) |
O.I.M. | Anterior Poetry Monthly (June 1996) |
Oil on Walnut (Detail) | Eye Flash Poetry (Issue 1, Autumn 2017) |
The Old Cosmogonist | THEMA Literary Journal (31:1, Spring 2019) |
Old Flame | Iambs and Trochees (4:2, Fall/Winter 2005) |
The Old Friend from College | Poem (no. 98, November 2007) |
On a Stubborn Line of Verse | The Lyric (82:4, Fall 2002) |
On Becoming a Poet | Coal City Review (no. 21, 2006) |
One More Lost Night at the Fiery Hole | Carnelian (2:1, January 2002) |
One Old Man | Slant (XXV, Summer 2011) |
Ordinary Spill of the Evening | I-70 Review (7th ed., Summer/Fall 2013) |
The Origin of Monsters | London Journal of Fiction (Issue 1, Spring 2016) |
Painted Blue Flower | Gyroscope Review (Issue 18-2, Spring 2018) |
The Parting | Anon (Issue 4, 2006) |
Parting Salvo #37 | Rhino (2005) |
Peace | Bryant Literary Review (vol. 11, 2010) |
Persecutions of a Pleasant Evening | Main Street Rag (17:2, Spring 2012) |
Philosopher Dreaming | Taj Mahal Review (11:1, June 2012) |
Photographer's Assistant | Talking River (Issue 25, Fall 2009) |
The Poem Not Written | Coal City Review (no. 19, July 2003) |
Poems for Small Pages (It never struck) |
Sobotka Literary Magazine (Issue 8, 2020) |
Poems for Small Pages (Feeling like a stranger) (I visited my mother) |
t'ART (no. 7, June 2024) |
Poetic Truth | Off the Coast (Winter 2017) |
Poets Going On | White Wall Review (no. 29, 2005) |
Politicks | North Meridian Review (5:1, Fall 2024) |
Pomegranates and Grenades | Clockhouse (vol. 11, 2024) |
Pornonomy | Iambs and Trochees (4:2, Fall/Winter 2005) |
Preaching to the Converted | Inscape (forthcoming) |
The Princess and Her Pea | NonBinary Review (no. 14, The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen, 2017) |
The Reckoning | Anterior Poetry Monthly (December 1995) |
Report to the Home Planet | Twisted (Medusa's Laugh Press, 2018) |
Retribution before Work | Tribeca Poetry Review (2014) |
Revelation | The Chaffin Journal (2007) |
Revisited | The Eclectic Muse (Volume 16, Christmas 2010) |
The Room/td> | Graveside Press (forthcoming) |
The Saxon Lord Gives Praise to His Man | To Unsnare Time's Warp: Stories & Poems about Dogs (A Main Street Rag Anthology, 2016) |
Seven Epigrams Around | Carnelian (1:1, October 2001) |
Sheltering | The Orchards Poetry Journal (Summer 2024) |
Sick Days 2020 | The Comstock Review (vol. 38.1, Summer 2024) |
Significant Differences | Peace Poems ([2017]) |
Signs | Cairn (49, 2014) |
Silvering | Inscape (forthcoming) |
Six Walks | Handwritten & Co. (Issue 3, Winter/Autumn 2023) |
Slow Learner | Alchemy and Miracles (Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023) |
Song | Iambs and Trochees (Web site, 2000) |
Songbirds: Foreign Trade | Pilgrimage (42:1, 2019) |
Sonnet for the Peacekeeper | Poem (no. 114, November 2015) |
Spiderscape | Nothing Divine Dies: The Poetry of Nature (Vita Brevis Press, Vol III, 2021) |
Spring Impromptu | Snake Nation Review (no. 21, 2006) |
Still Life in a Frame (issuu p.50) | Red Earth Review (Volume 6, July 2018) |
Stopping Place | Kansas City Voices (vol. 7, 2009) |
Strings | Better Than Starbucks (III:IX, November 2018) |
Student of Munenori | The Book of Hopes and Dreams (2006) |
Substance | The Rockford Review (Winter-Spring 2012) |
The Suitors | Full Strike Press (forthcoming) |
The Sulk | The Raintown Review (5:2, June 2006) |
Summer Evening Spiritual | The Same (3:2, November 2003) |
Surprised by Applause | Cantos (forthcoming) |
The Tao of Atticus | Purr and Yowl (World Enough Writers, 2023) |
Tempus Fugit | Capsule Stories (vol. 2, Summer 2019) |
Terpander of Lesbos | The Carolina Quarterly (58:3, Summer 2008) |
Testimony (PDF) | J Journal (2:2, Fall 2009) |
Thank-You Note (Version 12) | New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing
(9:2, 2012) |
That Poetry | Present Magazine (April 16, 2010) |
Theological | Pinyon (No. 32, Spring 2023) |
This Is Not a Dream | Homestead Review (no. 23, Spring/Summer 2007) |
This Old Art | The Bard Review (Issue 01, 2023) |
Time That | I-70 Review (8th ed., Summer/Fall 2014) |
To Live | The Rockford Review (Winter-Spring 2013) |
To My Landlord | Seek It: Writers and Artists Do Sleep (Red Claw Press, 2012) |
To the Goddess of Love | Quercus Review (5, 2005) |
Tom Wasn't R-- | Nerve Cowboy (no. 15, Spring 2003) |
Treasure Chest | Cantos (forthcoming) |
Trespassing | Last Stanza Poetry Journal (Issue 14, 2023) |
Turning Point | Dreamscapes: an Anthology (Cherry House Press, 2019) |
Undoing | Spellbinder (Issue 11, Summer 2023) |
Untitled Study of Rhinoceros Clouds | The Lyric (94:3, Summer 2014) |
Urban Alchemies | The New Laurel Review (XXV, 2012) |
Valentine in a Time of War | Lust: 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 1 (Pure Slush Books, 2018) |
Voices | Alchemy and Miracles (Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023) |
Warning Aviso Achtung | I-70 Review (8th ed., Summer/Fall 2014) |
The Watch | Pivot (no. 51, Winter 2000-2001) |
The way the gray squirrel | Brevities (no. 19, September 2004) |
The way the light goes out | Brevities (no. 19, September 2004) |
The way the storm stands there | The Conium Review (1:1, Spring 2012) |
We Miss Them | Confluence (Issue 14, 2023) |
Weeks at the Window | Alchemy and Miracles (Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023) |
Welcome (to the desert) | Rio Grande Review Online (Issue 1, [2006]) |
While Rome Burns | Wordfest Anthology 2022 (2022) |
The Windstorm | Absinthe Literary Review (Summer/Autumn 2004) |
With a Shrug | Georgetown Review (10:1, Spring 2009) |
Wizard of the Plains | Pilgrimage (42:2, 2019) |
The Work Ethic | Illuminations (26, Summer 2010) |
The World His Eye | The Raintown Review (10:2, February 2012) |
Written on a Napkin during a Jazz Set at the Record Bar | Polterguests: Stories & Poems (A Main Street Rag Anthology, 2016) |
Fiction & Prose Poetry | top | | |
Ancient Wisdom | Truth Serum (vol. 2, Wiser, 2017) |
Character Is Fate | Arion (Third Series, 30:3, Winter 2023) |
Dad-Drawer | MONO. (blog, November 22, 2022) |
The Dead Guy and the Angel | WINK (Issue 2, [2017]) |
Does Shakespeare Dream of Norwegian Ducks (Part I) | TYPO Journal (No. 1, 2023) |
First Day of Winter | Lullwater Review (XV:1, Spring 2005) |
For Bandit and Teddy and the Rest | The Conium Review (1:2, Fall 2012) |
Ghost Limb | The Prose-Poem Project (4:1, Spring 2011) |
He Was Thirty | Lilies and Cannonballs (3:2, 2008) Nominated for Pushcart |
In a Time of Grief | Nixes Mate Review (Issue 30/31, Winter/Spring 2024) |
Jem's Boy Jem | South Dakota Review (46:2, Summer 2008) |
Jimmy and Lou at Exit 332 | Main Street Rag (16:2, Spring 2011) |
The Job That Needed Doing | Abstract Jam (Issue 2, March 2016) |
Leonids | El Portal (forthcoming) |
Letters to Celeste | Pangolin Papers (8:3, Spring 2002) |
Losing the Sale | Unknotting the Line: The Poetry in Prose (Dos Gatos Press, 2023) |
The Masque of the Mouse's Death | Nixes Mate Review (Issue 30/31, Winter/Spring 2024) |
Mother and Son | The Prose-Poem Project (4:1, Spring 2011) |
Must Be the Wind | 3rd Wednesday (XV:1, Winter 2022) |
Nothingness and All That | Illuminations (21, August 2005) |
Oil on Panel | StringTown Magazine (no. 8, [2005]) |
On a Clear Day | Unknotting the Line: The Poetry in Prose (Dos Gatos Press, 2023) |
A Prelude of Songbirds | Lost: Reflections Medusa's Laugh Press Anthology, 2017) |
Publishing the Poems | WINK (Issue 3, 2018) |
Science Fiction Micro-Epic | The Vineyard (Issue 1, [2023]) |
The Tradition of Literature | NōD Magazine (Issue 29, 2024) |
Two Interiors | Pankhearst Slim Volume: This Body I Live In (2015) |
Very Important to Them | Opium Magazine (Web site, March 2008) |
We, the Gullible | West Wind Review (2010) |
Year of the Monsters | The Conium Review (Online Compendium, September 16, 2014) |
Book Reviews (Chronologically) | top | | |
Ghost of Chance by William Burroughs |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (1:1 [#1]) |
Destination Zero by Sam Hamill |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (1:1 [#1]) |
Corruption by Tahar Ben Jelloun |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (1:2, Spring 1996 [#2]) |
The City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (1:2, Spring 1996 [#2]) |
Dersu the Trapper by V.K. Arseniev |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (1:3, Summer 1996 [#3]) |
Gift of Tongues edited by Sam Hamill |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (1:4, Fall 1996 [#4]) |
Voyage to the Sonorous Land & The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other and Walk About the Villages by Peter Handke |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (2:1, Spring 1997 #5) |
Words for the Taking by Neal Bowers |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (2:2, Summer 1997 #6) |
The Films of Theo Angelopoulos by Andrew Horton |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (2:2, Summer 1997 #6) |
Totem of the Depraved by Nick Zedd |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (2:3, Fall 1997 #7) |
McPherson & Co. (press profile) |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (2:4, Winter 1997/1998 #8) |
Chaos as Usual edited by Juliane Lorenz |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (2:4, Winter 1997/1998 #8) |
Peter Greenaway by David Pascoe |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (3:1, Spring 1998 #9) |
The Material Ghost by Gilberto Perez |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (3:2, Summer 1998 #10) |
Hotel Malabar by Brendan Galvin |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (3:2, Summer 1998 #10) |
And Still Birds Sing by Lucien Stryk |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (3:3, Fall 1998 #11) |
Mad to be Saved by David Sterritt |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (3:4, Winter 1998/1999 #12) |
Kurosawa by Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (5:3, Fall 2000 #19) |
Walking with the Wind by Abbas Kiarostami |
Rain Taxi Review of Books (7:1, Spring 2002 #25) |
Ha Jin and the Western Tradition (of Chinese Poetry) | Carnelian (2:2, April 2002) |