Jack Granath works in a library in Kansas and writes poetry.  Below is a list of poems and other writings that wound up in journals and magazines.  Many of them, like their author, are changing a little as they age, but links to the versions of first publication are provided here and there.  With luck their later selves will get a taste of daylight too sometime, before the general shoveling under.

Weirdly, an interview.

Navigational map Poems Fiction and Prose Poems Book Reviews

Poems   |  top  |
Aberrant Weather Talking River
(Issue 25, Fall 2009)
Accretions of Eyesight Skylight 47
(47:17, Summer 2023)
After the Japanese Rattle
(Issue #29, 14:1, Summer 2008)
After the Party Carnelian
(2:2, April 2002)
All One Ignatian Literary Magazine
(vol. 29, 2017)
All We Need Carnelian
(3:2, April 2003)
Allegiance to the Season Evening Street Review
(no. 38, Summer 2023)
The Ambiguities of Healing Measure
(vol. II, 2007)
Ambush Tar River Poetry
(50:2, Spring 2011)
Amorous Compliment Gone Awry Rhyme and PUNishment: Comedic Verse
(Local Gems Poetry Press, 2012) | Lulu
And Turn Society of Classical Poets
(June 5, 2022)
Apartment Dweller Pithecanthropus Snow Monkey
(no. 17, 2005)
Apology Carnelian
(3:4, October 2003)
Approaching Social Windmills
(3rd ed., [2009])
Art for Art's Sake The Evansville Review
(vol. XXIV, 2014)
The Art of Love Vallum
(12:2 Humour, [2015])
Art Opening Mobius
(18:1, Spring & Summer 2003)
The Art-School Contrarian Twelve Mile Review
(2:2, Fall/Winter 2022)
At Full Length Carnelian
(3:1, January 2003)
At Home in the Storm Border Crossing
(vol. 2, Fall 2012)
At the Doorstep Poetry East
(Nos. 62 & 63, Fall 2008)
Ave Atque Vale Mobius
(18:1, Spring & Summer 2003)
Avernus, Illinois Schuylkill Valley Journal
(vol. 55, Fall/Winter 2022)
The Aviary The Cape Rock
(Fall 2002)
The Barstool Dog Poem
(no. 98, November 2007)
The Battered Knuckles of the Spring Anterior Poetry Monthly
(March 1996)
Bedfellows Weyfarers
(no. 111, December 2011)
The Blue Light Iambs and Trochees
(1:1, Spring 2002)
The Body Measure
(5:1&2, 2010)
Body Packing Confrontation
(109, Spring 2011)
Broken Stoplight of the World North American Review
(292:6, November/December 2007)
Building Genuine Gold
(vol. 4, September 2023)
But This One Is True . . . Truth Serum
(vol. 1, True, 2017)
Caribbean Library Love Song Clackamas Literary Review
(VIII, 2004)
Cartoons and Such The Formalist
(13:1, 2002)
Chalk Drawing on Rock Iambs and Trochees
(1:2, Fall/Winter 2002)
Charm The Same
(8:2, Winter/Spring 2011)
A Cheerily Carol Cairn
(49, 2014)
A Chicken in Every Pot Global City Review
(no. 15, Fall 2005)
Children's Story Poets Against War
(posted February 2003)
Christmas Meditation Iambs and Trochees
(4:2, Fall/Winter 2005)
Cleaned Flint Hills Review
(Issue Twelve, 2007)
The Clock The Raintown Review
(9:1, June 2010)
Closed Head Injury Abstract Jam
(Issue 1, December 2015)
Cocktails Tattoo Highway
(8, 6:1, January 2004)
College Days The Lyric
(94:2, Spring 2014)
Colonial Art of Quito Rhyme and PUNishment: Comedic Verse
(Local Gems Poetry Press, 2012) | Lulu
Complaint The Raintown Review
(8:1, July 2009)
Contributor's Note (issuu p.14) The Invisible Bear
(vol. 2, 2016)
Conversation with a Prophet Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review
(no. 39, 2013)
Counting Her Ways Capsule Stories
(vol. 2, Summer 2019)
The Crack San Pedro River Review
(8:1, Spring 2016)
Crossing Over WayWords
(1:9, 2023)
The Dark Iambs and Trochees
(1:1, Spring 2002)
Dead Spruce The Sandy River Review
(vol. 44, 2024)
Dear Aunt May Coal City Review
(no. 19, July 2003)
Dear Editor The Lyric
(94:1, Winter 2014)
Dear Publisher Two Thirds North
Día de los Niños Muertos Abstract Jam
(Issue 1, December 2015)
Did the dinsosaurs know it Trash Panda
(Volume 6, Winter 2023-24)
The Digger Alchemy and Miracles
(Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023)
The Disappointed San Pedro River Review
(7:1, Spring 2015)
The Doctor San Pedro River Review
(7:2, Fall 2015)
The Doozy Main Street Rag
(17:2, Spring 2012)
Dream of Death The South Carolina Review
(38:2, Spring 2006)
The Drop Wordfest Anthology 2019
Ducks Nothing Divine Dies: The Poetry of Nature
(Vita Brevis Press, Vol III, 2021)
Dying Notes Poem
(No. 131, June 2024)
Eavesdropping on the World Blue Unicorn
(XXIX:2, February 2006)
Eco The Briar Cliff Review
(vol. 21, 2009)
Eco-Warrior in Bougainville The Blind Man's Rainbow
(X:1, Fall 2004)
The Economist Dissent
(Vagabond Books, 2023)
Effects of a Rainy Doom (issuu p.13) The Invisible Bear
(vol. 2, 2016)
El Cordonazo Along the Shore: Poems of the Sea
(Lost Tower Publications, 2017)
Elegiacs for a Stranger Iambs and Trochees
(V:1, Spring 2006)
The Empty Space Poem
(no. 112, November 2014)
Enchanted by a Phrase #152 THEMA Literary Journal
(30:1, Spring 2018)
Enthusiastic Genealogist Measure
(XII:1, 2017)
Epigram for a Clumsy Darling Mobius
(vol. XXII, 2007)
Esprit de l'Escalier the raffish
(Issue 1, Spring 2018)
Everyone Loved It The Same
(10:2, Winter/Spring 2013)
Eye to the Zodiac Sheepshead Review
(30:1, Fall 2016)
Faith in Medicine Chiron Review
(No. 112/113, Summer/Fall 2018)
Fallout Plainsongs
(XLIII:1, Winter 2023)
Fate Abstract Jam
(Issue 1, December 2015)
First Cold Day Cardinal inScribe
(Issue 05, February 2023)
First Principle Cairn
(49, 2014)
Florida Sprawl The Raintown Review
(8:1, July 2009)
Flowers & Sunsets Quiddity
(3:1, Spring/Summer 2010)
The Forecast Thorny Locust
(vol. 12, Fall/Winter 2004)
Forgiving Confluence
(Issue 14, 2023)
The Four of Us The Eclectic Muse
(Volume 16, Christmas 2010)
Fragment Iambs and Trochees
(1:2, Fall/Winter 2002)
From Where I Am San Pedro River Review
(5:1, Spring 2013)
Funnel Cake Epiphany Schuylkill Valley Journal
(vol. 57, Fall/Winter 2023)
Future Anthropologies I Schuylkill Valley Journal
(vol. 57, Fall/Winter 2023)
Games of Children in the Fall Polterguests: Stories & Poems
(A Main Street Rag Anthology, 2016)
Ghost in the Way NonBinary Review
(no. 15, We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson, 2017)
Glorious Inscape
(vol. 44, 2019)
The Go Rub Yourself Sonnets Night Picnic
(7:1, February 2024)
The Golden Year or Two Toylit
(January 1, 2011)
Grounds Pembroke Magazine
(no. 52, 2020)
Growing Old Time The Rockford Review
(XXXIII:1, Winter/Spring 2014)
Head Blow Blues Carnelian
(4:4, October 2004)
The Hornet Moon Plainsongs
(XLI:2, Summer 2021)
Housework Mad Poets Review
(vol. 22, 2008)
How Do You Say. . . Hiram Poetry Review
(no. 64, Spring 2003)
I-70 West Silkworm
(vol. 16, 2023)
Impossible Love Gyroscope Review
(Issue 18-2, Spring 2018)
In Bantu Dreams Together Veil: Journal of Darker Musings
(No. 16, October 2018)
The Interference Factor Feral
(Issue 17, September 2023)
Intimate Immortalities The Raintown Review
(10:1, September 2011)
It Was Summer Alaska Quarterly Review
(18:1&2, Spring & Summer 2000)
Jazz Tease Cairn
(47, 2012)
The Job Interview The New York Quarterly
(No. 68.3, Winter 2022)
Junk Schuylkill Valley Journal
(vol. 55, Fall/Winter 2022)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(That slap of insight)
The Aurorean
(XVI:1, Spring/Summer 2011)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(Her body sculpted)
(She laughs, the purse strap)
High Coup Journal
(July 2011)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(A kind of tollbooth)
(Rainy day robins)
folk ku
(Issue 3, 2024)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(Red and gold and brown)
Mid-America Poetry Review
(1:2, Autumn 2000)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(Engaged in battle)
Modern Haiku
(36:2, Summer 2005)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(The sun, warm at last)
(no. 54, February 2016)
The Kindergarten Legacy
(Hard freeze in April [as April freeze])
To Live Here: A Haiku Anthology
(Wee Sparrow Press, 2023)
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles
(City of millions)
Imagination & Place: Cartography
(Imagination & Place Press, 2013)
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles
(Sudden spiderwebs)
Off the Coast
(XXII:3, Summer 2016)
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles
States of the Union
(Mascot Books, 2017)
The Kindergarten Legacy: The Barnacles
(Bulldozers quiet)
Trash Panda
(Volume 5, Summer 2023)
Koan Vallum
(12:2 Humour, [2015])
La Llorona Measure
(8:2, 2013)
Lapping at the Shore Kansas City Voices
(vol. 3, November 2005)
Nominated for Pushcart
Late Leaves THEMA Literary Journal
(30:3, Autumn 2018)
Late Night with Arion The Neovictorian/Cochlea
(v:2, Fall-Winter 2001)
The Laugher Iambs and Trochees
(V:1, Spring 2006)
The Lesson inScribe
(Issue 05, February 2023)
Lessons from the Khan Willows Wept Review
(Issue 27, Winter 2023)
Letter to Randall H-- Carnelian
(5:3, July 2005)
Library Life: The Drawback The Same
(12:1, Summer/Fall 2014)
Light Verse The Lyric
(94:2, Spring 2014)
Lines Written While Fixing a Bicycle Coal City Review
(no. 15, October 2000)
Listening for the Cat Iambs and Trochees
(Web site, 2001)
Listening to the Radio in the Dark Vagabonds: Anthology of the Mad Ones
(2016 Edition)
The Long, Long Night Pivot
(no. 51, Winter 2000-2001)
Look, Mom Alchemy and Miracles
(Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023)
Lost The G.W. Review
(XXXIV:1, Fall 2012)
Love Song with Ugly Bruises The Raintown Review
(13:2, February 2017)
Madreselva The Same
(10:2, Winter/Spring 2013)
Magic Disappointment
(ghost against a smoke-blue sky)
All Poems Are Ghosts
(tiny wren publishing, 2023)
Magic Disappointment
(A skull)
(These lovers)
Magic Disappointment
(We live)
(To hasten)
(Inspired by absence)
(The love of animals)
The Charleston Anvil
(9:1, Issue 16, Summer 2023)
Magic Disappointment
(Dense fog)
Glisk and Glimmer
(Sídhe Press, 2023)
Magic Disappointment
(winter window)
(racoon and)
(statue of a cat)
(XXXII:1, 2022)
Magic Disappointment
(Lover of the breeze)
(Issue 27, Spring 2024)
Magic Disappointment
(The moon-faced owl sees)
(The owl)
Linked Verse
(Issue 002, 2024)
Magic Disappointment
(alarm clock)
(and office work)
The Madrigal
Magic Disappointment
(Dusk falls)
(It sounded like a woman's liquid laughter)
(Haunted by)
Oracle Fine Arts Review
(XXI, [2023])
Magic Disappointment
(The sun at this hour)
(Online Summer Edition 2024)
Magic Disappointment
(recurrent dream)
Trash Panda
(Volume 5, Summer 2023)
Magic Disappointment
(A heavy rain)
When It Rains It Pours Anthology
(Kind of a Hurricane Press, forthcoming)
Mastery Folk Horror Revival: Corpse Roads
Metaphysical Riddle #37 Carnelian
(4:4, October 2004)
The Mirror of Dorian Gray Metonym
The Modern Student of Paradise Lost Measure
(7:1, 2012)
Moodstain Iambs and Trochees
(1:2, Fall/Winter 2002)
Morning Coffee and the Times HazMat Review
(9:2, Fall 2007)
Morning Run Measure
(X:2, 2015)
The Movies Carnelian
(2:3, July 2002)
Mu Nu Curating Home: A Kansas City Poetry Anthology
Woodneath Press, 2021
Music Is Murder The Formalist
(15:1, 2004)
My Cat Leaps Up Old Red Kimono
(XXXIII, Spring 2004)
The Myth of Human Nature Cantos
Negative Space at the Wake-Up Line Off the Coast
(XVI:1, Winter 2010)
Neologisms for Nobots Excuse Me
New Year's Day Cairn
(46, 2011)
Nim, the Chimpanzee The Raintown Review
(11:1, February 2013)
Nocturne for Lottery Ticket Man Waffle Fried
Nostalgia The Rockford Review
(Winter-Spring 2012)
Not These Days Free Lunch
(33, Spring 2005)
Obligatory Millennial Time Capsule Poem Coal City Review
(no. 15, October 2000)
Occupation: Clerk Retail Woes: Poetry from Both Sides of the Counter
(Local Gems Poetry Press, 2013)
O.I.M. Anterior Poetry Monthly
(June 1996)
Oil on Walnut (Detail) Eye Flash Poetry
(Issue 1, Autumn 2017)
The Old Cosmogonist THEMA Literary Journal
(31:1, Spring 2019)
Old Flame Iambs and Trochees
(4:2, Fall/Winter 2005)
The Old Friend from College Poem
(no. 98, November 2007)
On a Stubborn Line of Verse The Lyric
(82:4, Fall 2002)
On Becoming a Poet Coal City Review
(no. 21, 2006)
One More Lost Night at the Fiery Hole Carnelian
(2:1, January 2002)
One Old Man Slant
(XXV, Summer 2011)
Ordinary Spill of the Evening I-70 Review
(7th ed., Summer/Fall 2013)
The Origin of Monsters London Journal of Fiction
(Issue 1, Spring 2016)
Painted Blue Flower Gyroscope Review
(Issue 18-2, Spring 2018)
The Parting Anon
(Issue 4, 2006)
Parting Salvo #37 Rhino
Peace Bryant Literary Review
(vol. 11, 2010)
Persecutions of a Pleasant Evening Main Street Rag
(17:2, Spring 2012)
Philosopher Dreaming Taj Mahal Review
(11:1, June 2012)
Photographer's Assistant Talking River
(Issue 25, Fall 2009)
The Poem Not Written Coal City Review
(no. 19, July 2003)
Poems for Small Pages
(It never struck)
Sobotka Literary Magazine
(Issue 8, 2020)
Poems for Small Pages
(Feeling like a stranger)
(I visited my mother)
(no. 7, June 2024)
Poetic Truth Off the Coast
(Winter 2017)
Poets Going On White Wall Review
(no. 29, 2005)
Politicks North Meridian Review
(5:1, Fall 2024)
Pomegranates and Grenades Clockhouse
(vol. 11, 2024)
Pornonomy Iambs and Trochees
(4:2, Fall/Winter 2005)
Preaching to the Converted Inscape
The Princess and Her Pea NonBinary Review
(no. 14, The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen, 2017)
The Reckoning Anterior Poetry Monthly
(December 1995)
Report to the Home Planet Twisted
(Medusa's Laugh Press, 2018)
Retribution before Work Tribeca Poetry Review
Revelation The Chaffin Journal
Revisited The Eclectic Muse
(Volume 16, Christmas 2010)
The Room/td> Graveside Press
The Saxon Lord Gives Praise to His Man To Unsnare Time's Warp: Stories & Poems about Dogs
(A Main Street Rag Anthology, 2016)
Seven Epigrams Around Carnelian
(1:1, October 2001)
Sheltering The Orchards Poetry Journal
(Summer 2024)
Sick Days 2020 The Comstock Review
(vol. 38.1, Summer 2024)
Significant Differences Peace Poems
Signs Cairn
(49, 2014)
Silvering Inscape
Six Walks Handwritten & Co.
(Issue 3, Winter/Autumn 2023)
Slow Learner Alchemy and Miracles
(Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023)
Song Iambs and Trochees
(Web site, 2000)
Songbirds: Foreign Trade Pilgrimage
(42:1, 2019)
Sonnet for the Peacekeeper Poem
(no. 114, November 2015)
Spiderscape Nothing Divine Dies: The Poetry of Nature
(Vita Brevis Press, Vol III, 2021)
Spring Impromptu Snake Nation Review
(no. 21, 2006)
Still Life in a Frame (issuu p.50) Red Earth Review
(Volume 6, July 2018)
Stopping Place Kansas City Voices
(vol. 7, 2009)
Strings Better Than Starbucks
(III:IX, November 2018)
Student of Munenori The Book of Hopes and Dreams
Substance The Rockford Review
(Winter-Spring 2012)
The Suitors Full Strike Press
The Sulk The Raintown Review
(5:2, June 2006)
Summer Evening Spiritual The Same
(3:2, November 2003)
Surprised by Applause Cantos
The Tao of Atticus Purr and Yowl
(World Enough Writers, 2023)
Tempus Fugit Capsule Stories
(vol. 2, Summer 2019)
Terpander of Lesbos The Carolina Quarterly
(58:3, Summer 2008)
Testimony (PDF) J Journal
(2:2, Fall 2009)
Thank-You Note (Version 12) New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing
(9:2, 2012)
That Poetry Present Magazine
(April 16, 2010)
Theological Pinyon
(No. 32, Spring 2023)
This Is Not a Dream Homestead Review
(no. 23, Spring/Summer 2007)
This Old Art The Bard Review
(Issue 01, 2023)
Time That I-70 Review
(8th ed., Summer/Fall 2014)
To Live The Rockford Review
(Winter-Spring 2013)
To My Landlord Seek It: Writers and Artists Do Sleep
(Red Claw Press, 2012)
To the Goddess of Love Quercus Review
(5, 2005)
Tom Wasn't R-- Nerve Cowboy
(no. 15, Spring 2003)
Treasure Chest Cantos
Trespassing Last Stanza Poetry Journal
(Issue 14, 2023)
Turning Point Dreamscapes: an Anthology
(Cherry House Press, 2019)
Undoing Spellbinder
(Issue 11, Summer 2023)
Untitled Study of Rhinoceros Clouds The Lyric
(94:3, Summer 2014)
Urban Alchemies The New Laurel Review
(XXV, 2012)
Valentine in a Time of War Lust: 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 1
(Pure Slush Books, 2018)
Voices Alchemy and Miracles
(Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023)
Warning Aviso Achtung I-70 Review
(8th ed., Summer/Fall 2014)
The Watch Pivot
(no. 51, Winter 2000-2001)
The way the gray squirrel Brevities
(no. 19, September 2004)
The way the light goes out Brevities
(no. 19, September 2004)
The way the storm stands there The Conium Review
(1:1, Spring 2012)
We Miss Them Confluence
(Issue 14, 2023)
Weeks at the Window Alchemy and Miracles
(Gilbert and Hall Press, 2023)
Welcome (to the desert) Rio Grande Review Online
(Issue 1, [2006])
While Rome Burns Wordfest Anthology 2022
The Windstorm Absinthe Literary Review
(Summer/Autumn 2004)
With a Shrug Georgetown Review
(10:1, Spring 2009)
Wizard of the Plains Pilgrimage
(42:2, 2019)
The Work Ethic Illuminations
(26, Summer 2010)
The World His Eye The Raintown Review
(10:2, February 2012)
Written on a Napkin during a Jazz Set at the Record Bar Polterguests: Stories & Poems
(A Main Street Rag Anthology, 2016)
Fiction & Prose Poetry   |  top  |
Ancient Wisdom Truth Serum
(vol. 2, Wiser, 2017)
Character Is Fate Arion
(Third Series, 30:3, Winter 2023)
Dad-Drawer MONO.
(blog, November 22, 2022)
The Dead Guy and the Angel WINK
(Issue 2, [2017])
Does Shakespeare Dream of Norwegian Ducks (Part I) TYPO Journal
(No. 1, 2023)
First Day of Winter Lullwater Review
(XV:1, Spring 2005)
For Bandit and Teddy and the Rest The Conium Review
(1:2, Fall 2012)
Ghost Limb The Prose-Poem Project
(4:1, Spring 2011)
He Was Thirty Lilies and Cannonballs
(3:2, 2008)
Nominated for Pushcart
In a Time of Grief Nixes Mate Review
(Issue 30/31, Winter/Spring 2024)
Jem's Boy Jem South Dakota Review
(46:2, Summer 2008)
Jimmy and Lou at Exit 332 Main Street Rag
(16:2, Spring 2011)
The Job That Needed Doing Abstract Jam
(Issue 2, March 2016)
Leonids El Portal
Letters to Celeste Pangolin Papers
(8:3, Spring 2002)
Losing the Sale Unknotting the Line: The Poetry in Prose
(Dos Gatos Press, 2023)
The Masque of the Mouse's Death Nixes Mate Review
(Issue 30/31, Winter/Spring 2024)
Mother and Son The Prose-Poem Project
(4:1, Spring 2011)
Must Be the Wind 3rd Wednesday
(XV:1, Winter 2022)
Nothingness and All That Illuminations
(21, August 2005)
Oil on Panel StringTown Magazine
(no. 8, [2005])
On a Clear Day Unknotting the Line: The Poetry in Prose
(Dos Gatos Press, 2023)
A Prelude of Songbirds Lost: Reflections
Medusa's Laugh Press Anthology, 2017)
Publishing the Poems WINK
(Issue 3, 2018)
Science Fiction Micro-Epic The Vineyard
(Issue 1, [2023])
The Tradition of Literature NōD Magazine
(Issue 29, 2024)
Two Interiors Pankhearst Slim Volume: This Body I Live In
Very Important to Them Opium Magazine
(Web site, March 2008)
We, the Gullible West Wind Review
Year of the Monsters The Conium Review
(Online Compendium, September 16, 2014)
Book Reviews (Chronologically)   |  top  |
Ghost of Chance
by William Burroughs
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(1:1 [#1])
Destination Zero
by Sam Hamill
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(1:1 [#1])
by Tahar Ben Jelloun
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(1:2, Spring 1996 [#2])
The City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology
edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(1:2, Spring 1996 [#2])
Dersu the Trapper
by V.K. Arseniev
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(1:3, Summer 1996 [#3])
Gift of Tongues
edited by Sam Hamill
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(1:4, Fall 1996 [#4])
Voyage to the Sonorous Land & The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other and Walk About the Villages
by Peter Handke
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(2:1, Spring 1997 #5)
Words for the Taking
by Neal Bowers
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(2:2, Summer 1997 #6)
The Films of Theo Angelopoulos
by Andrew Horton
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(2:2, Summer 1997 #6)
Totem of the Depraved
by Nick Zedd
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(2:3, Fall 1997 #7)
McPherson & Co.
(press profile)
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(2:4, Winter 1997/1998 #8)
Chaos as Usual
edited by Juliane Lorenz
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(2:4, Winter 1997/1998 #8)
Peter Greenaway
by David Pascoe
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(3:1, Spring 1998 #9)
The Material Ghost
by Gilberto Perez
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(3:2, Summer 1998 #10)
Hotel Malabar
by Brendan Galvin
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(3:2, Summer 1998 #10)
And Still Birds Sing
by Lucien Stryk
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(3:3, Fall 1998 #11)
Mad to be Saved
by David Sterritt
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(3:4, Winter 1998/1999 #12)
by Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(5:3, Fall 2000 #19)
Walking with the Wind
by Abbas Kiarostami
Rain Taxi Review of Books
(7:1, Spring 2002 #25)
Ha Jin and the Western Tradition (of Chinese Poetry) Carnelian
(2:2, April 2002)

This page created spring 2004; last updated February 9, 2025
Contact the author at jackgranath("at" symbol)gmail.com